Terra Verde Code of Ethics and Conduct
As a basic principle, Terra Verde believes that the lessons learned from fairly played athletics, whether interscholastic or not, and including games and practices, are of benefit to students. The purpose of this Code of Ethics and Conduct is to define “fairly played” and to provide guidelines for athletes, coaches, and spectators.
Proper Conduct and Good Sportsmanship – At the heart of this matter lie several terms which are often hard to define, yet no more important task confronts faculty and coaches than to set standards which are fair and honorable. Throughout this code, when such terms as “proper conduct” and “good sportsmanship” are mentioned, they refer to such standards as these:
• Treat other persons as you know they should be treated, and as you wish them to fairly treat you.
• Regard the rules of the game as agreements, the spirit or letter of which should not be evaded or broken.
• Treat officials and opponents with respect.
• Accept absolutely and without quarrel the final decision of any official.
• Honor visiting teams and spectators as your own guests and treat them as such. Likewise, behave as an honored guest yourself when visiting another school.
• Be gracious in victory and defeat; learn especially to take defeat well.
• Be cooperative and competitive.
• Remember that actions on and off the field reflect on Terra Verde.
Academic Requirements
In order to participate in Terra Verde sponsored sporting events a student must have a C or above in all classes during the athletic season. Each week the faculty publish an eligibility list and communicate with coaches regarding those who are eligible to participate.
Physical for Participation
In order for any Terra Verde student to participate in athletics, they need to undergo a physical by a licensed physician. The results of the physical should be uploaded to the student’s portfolio prior to participation. Please see the attached Physical Form.